The intention for this blog is to add interesting content on what Dennis does, and is busy doing, as far as drawing and painting is concerned. His passion is art, and if he can help and show someone the way, then he will have achieved what he has set out to do. For starters here is a painting he has just completed this week from a photograph taken several years ago in South Africa.
This is a watercolour rendering of the photo above.
Size 700 x460 mm on Saunders 300lb Rough paper.
Painting from photographs should not be slavishly copied, colour for colour and brush stroke for brush stroke. Add and/or subtract elements that do not fit in with the composition of the painting. Shift and move them around to form a pleasing arrangement such as he has done in the painting. Painting from a photographic print, as opposed to a colour slide, normally produces a dull painting, therefore it may mostly be necessary to bolster and brighten up the colours. This is exactly what he has done here because the original photograph is much to much a monotone print. It is up to the artist to put his/her feeling and emotion into the work in progress. Make it your own and nobody else's. You are the architect of the painting you are designing and building. Most of all - have fun!